Reading Repetitive Books
Language and repetition in these books will catch your child’s interest and make it easier to remember important words and sentences. Repetitious reading not only increases language and vocabulary, but it also allows children to predict the story’s outcome. The repetition of wording from the story allows young readers to participate and/or chant along with the story, further engaging them in the sequencing of the story! Predicting rhyming words and phrases is an essential step in the process of learning to read and developing a positive attitude toward books and literature. The predictability of repetitive books decreases the cognitive load needed for comprehension and allows the child to focus on speech and language production!

How to get your child involved
📚 Start by reading the book through to get the child familiar with the book.
📚 Re-read, pausing before the last word of the repetitive phrase. For example, in the book “Brown Bear, Brown Bear” read it: “Brown Bear, Brown Bear, what do you_____?” Wait for the child to try and vocalize.
📚 If your child doesn’t initially respond, provide a model and encourage him/her to read it “with” you
📚 Eventually, pause before the entire repetitive phrase, cueing the child to say it independently.
Examples of Repetitive Books
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What do you see? by Bill Martin Jr.,
Blue Hat, Green Hat by Sandra Boynton
Five Little Monkeys Jumping on the Bed by Eileen Christelow
“Goodnight Moon” by Margaret Wise Brown
Blog written by: Mazal Karan, MS, SLP-CF
